The Why
We want to help create a world where people bring their humanity to work. When ‘humanity’ is alive and well in organisations, the people in them operate naturally and authentically. To be human is to care, to show compassion to others, to collaborate and create, to solve problems and overcome challenges. Our forebears have done this. It is the natural human condition.
Organisations build resilience when they unlock the power of human potential. Creating spaces where people can bring their humanity to work, and getting the ‘people stuff’ right is critical to organisational effectiveness.
Neuroscience tells us that we are at our best when we work in an environment where we feel safe, connected, engaged, valued, trusted and competent. We flourish. Our happiness, creativity and innovation, productively and general well-being increases, and that has obvious spin-offs for those working in organisations, and for those paying the wages.
The ‘soft stuff’ is actually the ‘hard stuff’
Organisations build resilience by getting the people stuff right. If leaders understand the strengths of their people, and build on these – amazing things can happen. If people bring their true, authentic selves to work, they flourish. Creativity happens. New ideas are developed. Better ways of working emerge. People get engaged. Barriers are overcome. And organisations thrive – people and organisations become more resilient!
Given the choice, the majority of us want to do a good job and make a positive difference in the lives of others. All organisations have to do is to create environments which allow this to happen.
We value
Building resilient people
Humans are naturally resilient. We adapt to new situations; we respond to new environments. If people feel supported, they can operate from a place of confidence. They will back themselves and those around them, and operate with positivity. Through coaching and leadership skills development, we help people develop a growth mindset and build on their innate resilience.

Nurturing Diversity
We agree with Edward Murrow – that we are all prisoners of our own experience. We are limited by ourselves. You and I will know and notice different things – we see the world differently; we have different and unique skills. Creativity and innovation happens when we share our different views and ideas. This is why diversity is critical to organisational success and building organisational resilience. To survive and prosper, organisations must nurture diversity, genuinely value difference and create systems and workplaces which encourage sharing and exploring different ideas.

Being Authentic
None of us are perfect. We all have our faults. If we bring our ‘real’ self to work – when we are authentically ‘us’ – we give others permission to be authentically ‘them’, and this can have a profound impact on workplaces. The need for ‘second guessing’ is diminished; we know where we stand; we accept each other as individuals; we are present with people. We relate to each other openly and honestly. Issues are addressed and tough conversations are had when needed. This creates a platform for shared focus and organisational alignment.

Ensuring Inclusion
Humans are social beings. We seek inclusion. Being excluded from the group is stressful – for our ancestors, exclusion from the group was a threat to their personal survival, and we still have this instinctive trait within us. We feel included when we are told things, listened to and are treated with respect; when our ideas are sought; when we are engaged in decision-making and when we are encouraged to develop our full potential. When this happens, we feel connected with others, we believe we can make a difference, we engage in conversations, we are committed, and we willingly add to the organisation’s pool of knowledge.